Virtual VON
Pulvermedia’s Virtual VON is brings our ability to service the world wide community over our favorite network - The Internet. This event is to enable the VON conference experience for the companies and conference participants who often find themselves needing to work locally while thinking globally. This Virtual VON allows the world of IP Communications to be put into perspective.
The Trends Track
VON Worldwide is a sampling of the trends happening in the overall market. Given that trends happen local and thru the Internet spread, the topics here are not to tell you what has happened elsewhere, but what is coming to you.
Asia Leads the Broadband Age
The APAC market has lead the way in broadband connectivity. Not only with home broadband but with wireless broadband as well. But the story is not about infrastructure its about the enabling energetic entrepreneurs and end users with communication and entertainment everywhere. See how the opportunities light up when broadband is everywhere.
EMEA Redefines the Peering Exchanges
The market around the mediterean is heating up with new entrants and new possibilities of interconnection. Having the ability to interconnect over the Internet is only the table stakes as now the use of International numbers and new services are now part of the mix of Interconnection.
Latin America Ready for Alternative Wireless
Greenfields are interesting network experiences and in Latin America the opportunity is not just about the service providers but also the community. The choices are being seen as crucial for economic development as well as support services to various communities of interest. Here necessity is the mother of invention and connecting to the Internet has given birth to ingenious services.
Europe Where Convergence is in the Carrier
The Triple play story is just part of the big picture as the network carriers consolidate to give a common pan european architecture. BT, Orange, O2/Telefonica, T, TD, and TeliaSonera are now competing with companies such as 3G, AOL, Free, Hutchison and cable networks that are bringing the choice to your home in new ways with Femtocells and settops. Looking for the future you will find it in your own home soon enough
Beyond the IMS Hype: It Means services.
Whether you think IMS is a stable standard, or SIP is your application server’s protocol. The story these days is the delivery of new services. How can service delivery be achieved quickly and what are the opportunities for third parties in the new world of IP Communication.
The Channel Track
The best products and services in the world need a network of distributors and resellers or retailers. How does one spread the word about the latest gear and get it out into the market. Wireless has been a strong retail experience, but IP communications is going to bring a new dynamic to how we implement and enhance networks in the future.
How to Reach the SMB Market
The Internet has enabled anyone to use it anywhere with the result that the small and medium business now have opportunities to communicate as effectively as the large enterprise. How are these services being manifest in the marketplace. Can hosted applications become part of a communication suite that supports sales from start to finish? Can network services and business facilities be integrated to give a consistent experience anywhere and at anytime. This is the place to see the any to any in IP communications.
Being more Direct Cellphones with out the Carrier
The VoIP over 3G revolution is only part of the story. Dual mode is not only here but a variety of network devices are on the market that feature WiFi communication without being tied to any specific carrier, and the with the advent of Skypes new mobility the end user is feeling pretty powerful. What will make the compelling case for consumers to network in the future?
Systems Integration: Headquarters and the Headcount
Even though the world of Internet communications is for everyone the management of the infrastructure is not. How does a company manage their networking needs in the future. What mixes of outsourcing, hosted and in house teams are needed to make the IT of the Enterprise productive?
Servicing the Local Markets
So you are connected Globally with the web and email? How does that translate into servicing your local customers. A customer that is geographically undesirable is not a customer at all. How do you network effectively to reach the area you want to service on the Internet? These issues of local commercialization are universal, but the answers need not to be.
Is it all IT these days?
Information Technology these days is comprised of hardware and software connected to networks usually via the Internet. IP Communication is a subset of that mix. Does the IT staff consider IP Communications as part of their overall responsibility or is it a diversion from the needs of the business? Which ever way the question is answered drives a lot of the business decisions a company must address to be effective. How can a company determine the right answer for their business and is it a best practise?
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