VON.X in 2008 is the show about everything over the Internet. So called XoIP discussions start with the idea that the Internet has given us a common platform to see, speak, hear or show what we want where we want. But the show is more than that because we are no longer hardwired to a location, we are mobile! And as the mobility of alternative wireless technologies allow us to go anywhere the X no long marks one spot but our journey to the future. What to see where the future is taking you come to VON.X
The Video Revolution continues as the Triple Play reaches the home and the Internet continues to deliver great alternative video services. Whether you buy bundles from Cable or ILECs the network of the future is more than a single service solution. The delivery of Video and the production of content is the baseline for theses sessions.
Three Screen Strategies
Your TV, Your PC and Your Mobile Phone all can deliver the video of the future. The question is what makes these services compelling. Are you expecting to watch the same things from all three screens, or will you be looking at content specifically produced or delivered for the expected use case of your screen?
HD Video Standards at Odds
High Definition has competing formats embedded in the term that can be confusing and has some companies looking to change the format models even more. Do the sets in the stores represent the consumers control of the marketplace or are other factors going to dominate?
IPTV Architectures
What are the inherent advantages and disadvantages of the service providers’ choices in a specific IPTV architecture? Is Cable OMA going to drive down costs, or do the ILECs have the best shot of retaining value? Do the services have some strategic relationships with the architecture.
Reengineered Networks Its not the cost it’s the Displacement
When looking at Verizon’s FIOS or BT’s 21CN, the story often becomes about the human element. On these reengineered networks, essentially the human factors become reduced, but do these costs equate to sustaining models?
Alcatel Lucent
Video on the Net
Using the Internet and IP technology for the delivery of video services changes the users experience of control. What does it mean to the access carrier and what does it mean for content delivery?
Voice has been the strong suit for most people in this industry and as so often happens in life, we intend to ignore the bread and butter part feeling its common. But the truth is that voice technology is hitting a Renaissance period taking advantage of the density and the opportunity network and edge based applications. If you feel you know what’s going on, it may be time to reexamine the next generation network.
Gateways and Boards
AdvancedTCA and MicroTCA are past the tipping point of adoption, so the industry is now in the next phase of advancement. These boards are gaining in efficiency and specific engineering optimized for the market’s demand. At the base of communication you are probably connected through these tools.
Redefining Hosted Media
It’s all Software these days, is a popular statement, but hosted media is not always optimized by a common infrastructure. How do you choose what to use? What makes media a hardware function and what keeps it on the host? This panel is going to give some good rules for making the choice when you build an application or service.
Number Logistics: ENUM, LNP and E911
What’s in a name said Shakespeare’s Romeo, and while phone numbers and URIs are not particularly romantic they are at the heart of the most communication signaling today. These companies are the enablers for our IP communication future.
Peering Strategies
If the term peer suggests equality, its hard to distinguish yourself. But the peers are not always equal and the relationships between network operators and wholesalers is often filled with distinctions based on services. These peering companies share how they manage and profit from traffic with their peers.
Implementating the Next Generation of Internet handsets
The use of a soft client for IP communications is no longer about the laptop user and their headset. Today’s phones are actually a softphone in a specific form factor. Some of them are embedded in hardware while others are adapted on a cell phone. This group looks at the value in using these Internet enabled communication solutions.
SJ Labs
Mobility is the story for the future and today. Infrastructure choices are being made with 3G, WiFi, WiMAX, and other alternative solutions that bring the decision to connect to the consumer and the Enterprise. Whether you are considering who will deliver your application or what services will be available these sessions will help answer those questions. No Strings Attached.
Content Delivery over Alternative Wireless Architectures
As telcos and cable operators compete for the home communications and entertainment experience. WiMAX, femtocells and other solutions will be considered in the delivery of content. What are the advantages of one architecture vs. another and how will these solutions be utilized by the consumer for their choice of communication, gaming, music, and video needs?
Location, Communication, Location
Embedding the Global Positioning Systems [GPS] information for applications such as directed advertising, ecommerce and social networking is increasing the revenue opportunities for cellular carriers. As the social networks market emerge the opportunity for new services is highlighted by ability to keep you communication contextual to your surroundings.
Fraud Detection and Security Management
VoIP security has been highlighted in the press but the truth is the ability to capture signaling information in real time reduces the possibilities of fraud. Monitoring the network with VoIP to improve security is the story being discussed in this session.
Femtocells Experiences in the Marketplace
The early adopter has been invited by the carrier and now the marketplace is ready to go beyond the trials. What is the compelling sales story to the consumer to place this equipment in the home and what does it mean for network management for both the ISP and the Cellular service provider.
IP Access
WiMAX WiFi and the Network Architectures
Capital Budgets theses days are spent tactically, so how do you manage the roll out of a new network effectively? Should WiMAX be considered a total solution from beginning to end or will it be deployed to further enable WiFi’s deployment. Who will be the early adopters of WiMAX?
Bel Air
Voice over 3G The App keeps Moving
Dual mode phones have enabled not only the web but VoIP clients that can be connected to new services. Is this a sign of things to come? Are the clients going to be part of the web or something specific to each device? What drives the adoption and how will it continue to evolve?
Innovators Forum
Demonstrating the applications, services and tools available today is like drinking from a firehose. But the innovators deserve not only our attention but the ability to express the issues they see. So the Innovators forum has a mix of conference and unconference where you can see what others do, talk about what the implications are for the future, or just find the next big thing.
What makes Conference Servers Compelling
Conference services are leading the way in enhancements. No other system from the PSTN has seemed to adopt and benefit from VoIP like Conferences services. But that’s only halve the story because these solutions have made the transition to social networking and workflow solutions.
Lypp Service
Social Networking Keeping everyone together
The Internet is everywhere and these solutions know how to use it. The use of contextual information is giving communication a new model for keeping current. Enabling updates and alarms to keep people connected and communicating.
Tossing the Digits to Add Anonymity
Its not always glamourous to talk about phone numbers, but its interesting to discover that phone numbers have a degree of anonymity that is useful in some applications. With the decline of second line revenue the opportunities for numbers that come and go is a source of new income.
Other EventsUS
Digium Asterisk World
What is an Asterisk server and why should you care? The answer is simple. If you want to find an communication environment that allows for the maximum flexibility, combined with a rich community of support. Then this Open Source Solution is the Capstone to your gateway to the future. Carriers, Developers, Enterprises and even Unified Communicators are adopting Asterisk.
Introduction to Asterisk
This is not just some comment left for a footnote, this is an overview of a revolution. An open source telephony platform that changes the way business communicates and carriers develop services. Asterisk goes beyond the basic models of communication with support for Unified Communication and peer to peer services. This introduction will hint to the power and show the practical value of implementing Asterisk.
Using the Flexibility for new voice apps
When people talk about computing converging on communication, they should point to the ability of Asterisk to deliver services. Using XML, many Web 2.0 solutions, Asterisk delivers a rich platform to deliver a variety of services, so the result is a very quick and efficient way to prototype and deliver new voice apps.
Connecting your Enterprise with Asterisk
SIP Trunking has become the next generation of PBX interconnection and Asterisk supports that strategy. For many however the IAX protocol has merit in supporting services and overcoming issues with firewalls and network address problems. This panel looks at the meet point and the considerations in developing a strategy to enable carrier to business communication.
The Strategic Strategy of Open Source
It takes a village, and in this case it’s a virtual village. Asterisk is not the only open source strategy in telecom. These groups of communities of open source interest gather togethet to give us the perspective as to why they are open source and how it benefits others.
Unified Communication
Its amazing the diversity that Unified Communication creates. Application Servers in the Enterprise that take advantage of rich media and presence. Mobile Internet connectivity enable a new era of workflow and “office” automation. Fixed Mobile Convergence integrating carrier and IP PBX to software solutions. All of these and more are part of the UC tapestry.
The PBX has UC legs
Unified Communications is not only a story told by your e-mail company. The pbx manufacturers have been busy building for your unified experience and have added some features that help you manage your functional work in a more productive and efficient way.
Web App Servers discover Voice
The day to day workflow in an Enterprise is now integrated into the web. But the opportunities for productivity come from more effective communication. Managing the workflow using presence, softclients and the web will have dramatic impact on revenue and efficiency. Learn from the best, before you practise this in your company.
IBM explores the riches of multimedia
What does an IBM UC architecture look like and what gains are had from the strategy. Given IBM’s plethora of Open Source, Websphere, Lotus Notes and Tivoli a comprehensive view is a given. Now the question is how does a company manage, monitor and make revenue with theses systems at the core.
Microsoft New UC strategy
Microsoft has announced the demise of the PBX and has integrated presence and URIs into Active Directory. These are neat, but the way the end user experiences the MS UC solution in their use of Outlook and MS Office is probably the most amazing part of the story. Hear from those with lessons learned on the road ahead.
Collaboration & Conferencing
The Video revolution has arrived and its on your desktop, in your conference room and even our your cellphone. Want to see how to manage meetings in the future. Are these strictly internal, or are external and supply chain meetings now a viable model?
Is there anyone not on the Internet? Probably a few? But is everyone getting the benefit of the opportunities. If most business is local how do you support your customers beyond a website. VONDEX is the place where distribution, channel and value get explored, explained and executed.
Show me the Money what models work
It seems the more virtual the world gets the more the need for physical contact. How does a company support its customers in a virtual world. Are truck rolls required or can drop and ship support the customer. Better yet is the entire business viable as part of the Internet? Looking to understand how you can work a market these days? This panel discusses the go to market strategies that work and who they work for.
Bill Kelly’s Association friends
Annuities the never ending story
“Nickles” If I can charge a Nickle everytime I can be millionaire quicker than you know it. The goal these days is to find the sticky services that customers want and want to know you are there to support it as time goes on. These folks share their market savvy in supporting the Enterprise one nickle at a time.
VZ Biz
Convincing the Customer that Change is Good
Fear of the unknown is a great deterent to success. And horror stories about voice quality, fraud, and other security breaches make some companies slow to move. How do you show the customer the value outweighs the risk and the opportunity to profit from a more productive future is at hand?
SMB markets
One hundred stations or less is a good definition of the SMB marketplace, but these days just because you are small does not mean you can’t be virtual. The opportunity for the SMB market to take advantage of VoIP is not only at the office but anywhere you want to be.
Natural Convergence
Bundling with the Carrier partners for Single Service Solutions
Carriers benefit when resellers use their solutions in a bundled service offering. The carrier often is offering a pretty simple solution, while the partner embraces network enhancements and devices at the end point that ad value. This a story about how the reseller sells and whether his carrier is a partner or a vendor and why?
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