
Spring VON Europe June 2008

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 2 months ago


VON.X in 2008 is the show about everything over the Internet. So called XoIP discussions start with the idea that the Internet has given us a common platform to see, speak, hear or show what we want where we want. Will Next    Generation Networking always be the Internet, or will differentiation be achieved by various carriers? As 3G expands broadband mobility what will everything over the become.  What is the X factor in VON.X?   

Innovators Forum

Demonstrating the applications, services and tools available today is like drinking from a firehose.  But the innovators deserve not only our attention but the ability to express the issues they see. So the Innovators forum has a mix of conference and unconference where you can see what others do, talk about what the implications are for the future, or just find the next big thing.

      Making Dual Mode Magic

VoIP over 3G is a lot of fun, but there is more magic to be had in the use of WiFi with your 3G phone.  This panel not only talks about VoIP, but widgets and browser add ons that make new services visual.  The smartphone has arrived and its making the dumb network look pretty good.





      XML and SDP The Meet Point

The Web 2.0 - third party developer has settled into a model of development that benefits from an always - on network and ubiquitous access. The Service Provider provides the access to all these portals and is often out of the mix from that point foreward.  What can a service provider do to deliver new services and support the developer community?





      Peer 2 Peer Update

Skype has been leading the way in development of peer to peer applications and the interconnection between these end points.  This panel of standard bears and community leaders looks at what is possible with P2P solutions and why it’s the future for Internet Communications.





      The Alternative to Border Management

There is universal Internet based solution to Network Address Translation.  This panel is about the technologies that work under adverse circumstances. Penetrating firewalls, establishing VPN tunnels, and more represent a best practice for the support of Internet Services.




                Network Resonance.



      OpenSER Updates Time for the App Servers to Deliver

You would think everyone would become a carrier when the software to run a network they are giving away.  Seriously, OpenSER is a powerful tool in the development of Internet Communications call control, but its more than just a switch, its an opportunity to manage better network monitoring, operation and testing.






 The Video Revolution continues as the Triple Play reaches the tipping point of critical mass thanks to unbundled network services. The choice is in the hands of the consumer and with that choice comes access to a new era of video.  With the network now ready, how is the market going to change?

      Triple play and the 3G Build Out

The triple play is well established here with set tops that make home entertainment, communication and the Internet a great experience.  Now the use of femtocells is going to compete for the broadband pipe in your home to offer new 3G services.  Given how mobile we are, what will drive the change at home?

        Nokia Siemens




      Open Cable Application Platform [OCAP]; What is the Impact?

Traditional cable infrastructure is going through its own NGN upgrade.  Learn why the cable operators may be the masters of managing IMS and what you should expect from them in the near future in the way of enabling third party developers. See how a fresh set of network models bring value to the end user.





      Video on Demand Architectures

The settop in the house is not the only piece of the puzzle when delivery content on demand.  The architecture requires a cache and queue methodology that keeps the user engaged.  Managing the network on demand requirements involves forecasting, monitoring and some powerful processing.  Learn how the equipment manufacturers making monetizing movie magic.





      3G & HD Video Collaboration

Video codecs are developing into some new experiences that seem as good as broadcast quality.  Most importantly they are being built with mobility in mind.  However we are facing a number of specification and interoperability issues.  Learn where we are and see what there is to be seen in this new age of high definition.





      The Set Top a thing of beauty

Let us pause for a moment and enjoy all the set top has brought to our lives.  Seriously, its amazing the differences in look and feel of the set top box.  The ergonomics of their form and design says a lot about why they are built and who they are looking to attract.  Get some competitive intelligence just by understanding the design considerations built in to the triple play.






 So if Voice has become just another application how is it going to be applied?  The IP Multimedia Subsystems being agreed to conceptually, we are the stage of trial and error.  IMS delivery of the promise of ubiquitous application is the primary subject of the discussion as we look at the factors of disintermediation that IMS has been about.

      The I in the IP-PBX

While Microsoft may have suggested that the PBX was a thing of the past, the IP PBX is just as ready for the world of Internet Communications.  What are the IP PBX manufactures doing to support a growingly mobile marketplace? What pricing and productivity benefits are inherent in the IP PBX that makes them the competitive threat they are?




      Using Presence

When Instant Messaging started out, many thought these softclient’s would adopt voice.  While in many cases that happened the real story was the power found in the use of presence on almost any Internet connected communications device.  These panelists have recognized the power of presence and profit from it proliferaton.





      Managing the Edge

The power of the network is at the smart end points.  But what does a carrier require to support these end points even when they are not theirs?  The answer is a device that acts like it is the end point.  These session controllers with their backtoback user agents enable a great deal of compatiability and application support.  Want to learn more, this is the crew to listen too.





      Service Delivery Platform

An indication of how critical new services are in the industry are the issues in service delivery.  Its no longer about developing new, its about delivering to the market as quickly as possible.  What are the issues being faced and how are service providers solving these issues with their favorite integrators.





      Carrier Convergence

Carriers are consolidating and in europe, these paneuropean brands are providing converged services across many countries. What are their strategies? Does being the dominant player in one country translate into a similarly valued service in another?  What lessons are being learned about rolling out services?







      IMS Standards & Interoperability Update

The use of IMS to support legacy network only works if the new systems interoperate with the old.  Yet often its hard to get them to work with the new as well.  This panel represents the people who have been putting the network to the test.  Hear here what are the realities of IMS deployment.



        MS Forum

        IMS Forum


      Femtocells Bring Home the 3G Network

What makes the concept of home base stations a win - win for the consumer and the carrier?  What add value comes for the delivery of 3G applications via your broadband connection at home? Does it indicate a whole new set of 3G devices in the future for the home?


        IP Access



      WISPs take the lead

With so many wireless architectures to choose from the network operator has the opportunity to leave the legacy networks behind and lead the way with new services.  What have the wireless ISPs learned about rolling out voice over WiFi and WiMAX.  Is Wimax going to compete directly with 3G?  What competitive advantages are there?




      Classical FMC

The use of Fixed Mobile Convergence as a term was coined in association with Unlicensed Mobile Architectures [UMA].  This architecture is alive and well, but many many carriers are now suggesting hybrind models and alternative strategies.  This panel looks at the state of FMC and the mix of UMA in the delivery of converged services.


        Nokia Siemens



      The GSMA's IPX

What if the carriers could find a way to enable applications to exchange traffic the way they do with voice minutes. Would that enable new services to be available even when you roam?  The GSM is looking to enable this kind of an exchange and it may be the future what you see on your phone. Come and learn about the new opportunity.

    Other Events

Digium Asterisk World

What is an Asterisk server and why should you care?  The answer is simple. If you want to find an communication environment that allows for the maximum flexibility, combined with a rich community of support. Then this Open Source Solution is the Capstone to your gateway to the future.  Carriers, Developers, Enterprises and even Unified Communicators are adopting Asterisk.

        Opening  Markets with Open Source

Regardless of the regulatory environment a server is a server is a server.  An with open source software the empowerment is amazing.  What opportunities are available for people using these amazing bits of code from anywhere?  Think you understand telecom’s business model, profit from the discusson the discussion of all thats possible for free.


        Asterisk as the Application Server

The use of asterisk as a pbx was not the specific intention of the Digium folks, and you can see why when you see it applied to specific applications.  The use of Asterisk as an application server is not only logical but it gives opportunities for people to have rapid development and verification testing on feature interaction at a fraction of the normal cost.


        Its a Developers Dream

XML and Open Source what a great combo.  But wait there’s more, there is a community of developers giving back the code they have written for a people to learn improve and profit from.  Looking for a rich set of libraries to work with.  Asterisk’s is a great environment to work from.


        Beyond the IP PBX

Taking Asterisk as a PBX is a good start, but you can also build a network opportunity for remote, branch and call center applications. This is a pretty good start but there are more possibilities when using Asterisk in support localizaton issues, speech recognition and even CRM integration.


        Blending Rich Media with Asterisk

Asterisk as a hosted media server allows a managed migration strategy from the interfaces of the PSTN to the wideband possibilities of the Internet.  Learn whats possible when you add boards and host a gateway for the blending of media.



 Unified Communication

Its amazing the diversity that Unified Communication creates.  Application Servers in the Enterprise that take advantage of rich media and presence.  Mobile Internet connectivity enable a new era of workflow and “office” automation. Fixed Mobile Convergence integrating carrier and IP PBX to software solutions.  All of these and more are part of the UC tapestry.

       Call Centers adopt UC

Unified Communication is a great concept, but for the people in the call center its been the method of operation for ages.  So what makes the current unified communications discussions intriguing for the call center administrator and how can they benefit from the migration.





        Microsoft explains it all

Microsoft has announced the demise of the PBX and has integrated presence and URIs into Active Directory.  These are neat, but the way the end user experiences the MS UC solution in their use of Outlook and MS Office is probably the most amazing part of the story.  Hear from those with lessons learned on the road ahead.



        Transforming communication

Unified Communication has the opportunity to be the comprehensive story from infrastructure to application.  Fixed mobile convergence enables an any to any network, while UC transforms that network into an application friendly environment that expands the network opportunity.

          Nokia Siemens




        Carrier Services for the UC Enterprise

What new revenues is available for the carrier to support Unified Communication?  Are hosted services a requirement for the carrier to be blended into the mix of business’s UC deployment?  Is the Internet and the web the best interface for a UC.

          Verizon Business




        FMC enabling the infrastructure

Fixed Mobile Convergence is often talked about for the carrier, but the most likely beneficiary is the Enterprise.  This is the place where the move to mobility produces efficient workflow.  Hear from these participants how network convergence makes business better.






Is there anyone not on the Internet?  Probably a few?  But is everyone getting the benefit of the opportunities.  If most business is local how do you support your customers beyond a website.  VONDEX is the place where distribution, channel and value get explored, explained and executed.


        Reselling Services and Solutions

Where does the product stop and the service begin? As the computing industry meets the Internet the distinction between service and solution is blurred.  The best part of the blurring it provides new revenue ideas for traditional offerings.  


        Does Bundling increase Margin

When you include a service into the product mix does the cost of the communication network add or subtract to the margin.  If you use the Internet as the medium does that change the opportunity?  When does bundling provide the greatest margin and when should it be avoided?


        Making the Customer your Partner

The customer is often skeptical of the relationship with their vendor, but the customer is more likely to be the source of new revenue than any prospect. So the opportunity is rich for a stronger relationship that is mutually beneficial.  How do you make that happen.


        From the PBX to the App

As the Unified Communication comes into vogue, the opportunity exists to embed the IP PBX into new applications. What is the value proposition to a corporation for integrating with the IP PBX and what new staffing requirements are needed to support these opportunities.


        The OEM in your solution Friend or Foe

With all the talk about interoperability, telecom still does not have the component experience that computing does.  When you make a choice of a vendor, how do you avoid being cornered into a single source supplier.  On the other hand are some suppliers rich with opportunity and partnering has to great a yield to ignore.

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