Welcome to the Wiki Page for the Unconference!
- You can edit this page using the password "pulver" (all lowcase)
- Look at the topics and propose one if you don't like what you see
- Add your name to the attendee list. The unconference is open to all delegates, speakers, and people who bought an unconference pass.
- Show up and contribute on Tuesday, March 18th at Noon.
What is Unconference (code named VONCamp) all about?
For years Jeff Pulver has been running executive summits and other get togethers with the idea of having a free exchange of ideas. This dialogue has been at the heart of VON. These two tracks are intended to pump up the volume of the dialogue
The Innovators Forum is a series of sessions that show case companies in our more traditional format. However dialogue in these sessions is encouraged. The VONCamp Unconference is harder to describe, because it gives people a chance to self identify as a speaker. At the present time there is time for 12 group discussions. If you've got something you want to discuss that's outside the formal program, VONCamp Unconference is the place to do it. We also have a SpeedDating session.
VONCamp Unconference Rules
Here are the rules:
- There are no rules.
- Everyone is equal. Everyone is a rockstar.
- Give back to the conference by participating actively. "Active participation" might mean giving a presentation, helping with a presentation, blogging or podcasting the event, or whatever other creative ways. While everyone is encouraged to lead a session, there are only twelve slots available.
- All sessions must obey the Law of 2 Feet - if you're not getting what you want out of the session, you can and should walk out and do something else. Hopefully you will walk the show floor!
If you are new to an unconference, here's some places to start learning about them:
Spring VONCamp -- The Unconference Schedule
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
11:00 - 11:30 Jeff's Industry Perspective
11:30 - 11:45 Move to the Unconference Meeting Room J3 @ SJCC
12:00 - The Unconference Begins
14:30 - The Unconference Ends
Don't Miss....
4:00 - 5:15 General Session: Real Time Social Communications - Moderated by Jeff Pulver
Wednesday, March 18, 2008
Adding a Second Day WEDNESDAY!
Starts @ 11:00
and ends when?
Proposed Topics
Got something you want to discuss? Can we generate 6 to 12 topic ideas prior to the show? Add ideas here.
- Real World Impact of Social Media (Proposed 15 minute special session - Would like opening slot at the start of Unconference - It's a surprise/special event) - Ken Camp & Sheryl Breuker- http://stardustglobalventures.com
- Recruiting the Web guys: How to create and grow your developer ecosystem - led by Dave Nielsen (PayPal/StrikeIron and now Platform D)
- Facebook the perfect sandbox for applications - led by Alec Saunders (been trying to get folks from FB to join the conversation, but not successful yet) Perfect - I think not! What a horrible developer experience!
- Google's Android; Where do we stand? - led by Tom Howe
- Business model mayhem.. Is there a VC or 2 or 3 in Silicon Valley willing to talk about this topic?- lead needed. I fear that this is NOT a 15 minute subject - could debate this for DAYS!
- Will a US telco follow BTs lead with APIs?
- Rethinking Broadband Internet Connectivity - led by Brough Turner and Cristiano Ronaldo Look at the image on Rethinking Broadband Internet Connectivity.
- Does AWS, Google, Microsoft, or someone else provide all the application layer infrastructure that is needed?
- Can Telephony Be Free? Led by Gene Cohen, CTO, and J. Scott Hamilton, CEO, VoodooVox.
- Is there any benefit on connecting Social Networks via telecom networks? If not, why? If so, how? - Arjun Roychowdhury (HSC)
- Unified Communication; do we have the technology for business? - Wayne Rooney (Perzonae) - Great topic. Count me in (Ken Camp) - http://www.realtime-unifiedcommunications.com">http://www.realtime-unifiedcommunications.com. Same here (Mike Borsetti)
- 16 Ways to Compete With Skype [I would like to counter propose that we discuss "16 Ways to Work with Skype - and why it is important to do so" - James Body - Truphone]
- "Innovative business usages of IM, Presence and Event Notifications", Carmelo Zaccone, CTO - Indigo Software -- New services for a changing world
- Deep Dialing, IVR Spidering and other fun things. Shai Berger, fonolo.
Who's Coming?
Basically lots of people, with about thirty or so speakers from the larger conference. Current confirmed list includes....
Sheryl Breuker & Ken Camp
Martyn Davies
Shai Berger - FonCloud
Thomas Howe
Andy Abramson, Comunicano & VOIPwatch
Troy Davis - Yort Labs
Ted Fagenson - 2Wire
Chris Fine - Goldman Sachs
Chris Celeberti - Neustar
Jim Courtney - Skype Journal
Mary Boyd - Intrado
Roger Bakos - Chinook Hosting
Chalan Aras - Polycom
Pat Phelan- MAXroam
Sean O Mahony- MAXroam
Florian Seroussi- Global Roaming
Kathryn Jones- synchronis.tv
Mike Borsetti - AboveTel (around 13:15 due to overlapping speaking engagement)
James Body and Dean Elwood - Truphone
Carmelo Zaccone - Indigo Software -- New services for a changing world
Dave Nielsen - Platform D - Developer Programs Consulting
Who's talking about us?
- What's the password? (pulver)
- How can I edit? (just press the edit page button)
- Why am I doing this? (because of all us need to be connected)
- Where is the unconference located? - I believe its at the San Jose Convention Center (dave nielsen)
- Will you do this again at Spring VON in mid-March, so I can ask my clone to "woman" our exhibit and I can attend this?
- Do we need a unconference pass? $1095?
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